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Mines and Quarries: How can your maintenance be optimised

2018-08-07T14:00:34+00:00Aug 07, 2018

Here is what an on-site storage area for rollers and bearings can sometimes look like

A particularly harsh environment

Even if they don’t all look like that, mines, quarries and cement factories face difficult constraints. The environment is dusty, sometimes humid and without any real protection against impacts. Furthermore, staff have to deal with urgent situations.

Maintenance interventions on installations such as grinders, crushers, screens and conveyors, require the use of several indispensable spare parts, each one different. Finding all elements can quickly become a headache, or event result in machine stoppage, which has a direct impact on the productivity of the site.

Practical case of a conveyor stoppage

A faulty roller has damaged a bearing at the end of the conveyor on the shaft end.
Repairing this mechanised set requires:

1 new cast iron bearing 1 new spherical roller bearing 1 adapter sleeve 1 set of seals 1 plug

If you lack even only one of these parts, you cannot provide a professional repair service!

It’s your turn now, go back to your storage area (at the top of the page) and find all of the above products…
Is this complicated? Opt for an all-in-one solution

Simplified maintenance solution for rollers and bearings

The maintenance team must indeed act quickly and effectively in order to limit the downtime of the machine. For this, the management of new parts both during storage and mounting must be simplified as much as possible.

The complete kit is adapted to this environment and perfectly meets all these constraints:

no possible error when selecting the various components, simple storage, nothing can be forgotten during the mounting.

In our example of a conveyor being repaired, the ideal situation is to use a kit containing a sealed spherical roller bearing. As a real barrier against pollution, the seal can improve the life cycle of the roller up to 3 times compared to an open roller. The grease contained in the part is not dirtied; one annual addition of lubricant is enough and removes the need for numerous rounds and maintenance.

Overall, this solution makes the lives of maintenance operators easier and reduces the overall operating cost.