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China produced 1.8 trillion bearings in 2012

2013-02-18T20:30:13+00:00Feb 18, 2013

China has published statistics on the production of bearings for 2012. According to these data the total volume of all domestic manufacturers amounted to 1801 billion bearings, which is 11.17% more than in 2011. The production volume for December 2012 was 180 billion bearings (20.9% more than in December 2011).

china brng production

The volume (pcs) of production of bearings in the specific regions

Shown above the production of bearings in the 25 major regions of the country.  A significant proportion of production (nearly 86% of national production) came out of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Hubei and Shanghai – eastern coastal provinces, which have the most developed infrastructure and large consumption of bearings.

source: prompk