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HGSI Offers Universal Thermocouple Amplifier-KMK Bearings

www.powertransmission.comNov 11, 2021


Harold G. Schaevitz Industries LLC (HGSI) has expanded its product line by offering a new 8-Channel Universal Thermocouple Amplifier Signal Conditioner Module with both Digital and Analog Outputs.

Made in the USA, this compact, lightweight, 8-channel Universal thermocouple amplifier module supports thermocouple types J, K, T, E, N, R, S and B, and is ideal for most any temperature measurement application. With user programmable minimum & maximum temperature spans, this amplifier is designed for simple integration to aftermarket ECUs, data loggers, or other electronic devices, requiring a linear 0 to 5 VDC input.

Features include eight independent 0 to 5 VDC analog outputs, digital interfaces: USB, CAN, RS232,

thermocouple input type configurable per channel, analog output scale configurable per channel, fast response output for dynamic applications, internal cold junction compensation, and downloadable programming software.