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GFI acquires a pet food ingredients production facility-KMK

www.mromagazine.comOct 13, 2021


Global Food and Ingredients Inc. announced the acquisition of a plant-based pet food ingredients production facility in Bowden, Alberta, and the creation of GFI’s new Plant-Based Pet Food Ingredients business unit.

The Bowden Facility produces blends of milled red lentils, green lentils, chickpeas, pinto beans, yellow peas and green peas to produce specific nutritional profiles for pet food manufacturers.  These ingredients offer a nutritious input into both dog and cat food, providing manufacturers with an environmentally sustainable plant-based protein source that serves as an alternative to animal-based ingredients.

“This acquisition provides a significant growth opportunity for GFI to enter the fast-growing pet food market, furthering the plant-based movement.  We can now offer healthy and sustainable, high protein formulated plant-based ingredients for pets that are cost effective and replace animal-based ingredients,” said David Hanna, CEO, GFI.  “The new capabilities acquired through this acquisition enhance the Company’s operations and represents a key step forward in realizing GFI’s zero waste strategy, maximizing the value of every step throughout our production systems while boosting profitability.”