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Advanced Motion Controls Offer 100 Amps Peak FlexPro Servodr

www.powertransmission.comAug 09, 2021


Now joining the Advanced Motion Controls FlexPro family are the first of their "mini"-sized servodrives. With a slight size increase, these drives can output over double the current and operate on higher voltage than existing micro-sized FlexPro drives.

The Mini Size FlexPro drives boast a continuous current rating of 50 amps and a peak current rating of 100 amps.  The unrivaled power density will allow engineers to take advantage of FlexPro's advanced features in higher power applications, unlocking new possibilities in robotics, warehouse automation, machining, aerospace, and more.

Also available is the development board version designed to make development and prototyping as easy as possible.  The full selection can be found at the link below.