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Endress+Hauser improves in independent EcoVadis audit-KMK Be

www.mromagazine.comJun 04, 2021


Endress+Hauser has achieved 76 out of 100 points in the international EcoVadis sustainability rating, four more than in the previous year.

The Group achieved a ranking in the top group for the fifth year in a row in 2021, and is among the top one per cent of the companies compared.

In terms of ethics, labor and human rights, “the Group was able to maintain its very good position in the benchmark comparison.” As a result, Endress+Hauser entered the top group in terms of results and achieved a platinum medal after the gold standard – the highest performance level of the EcoVadis audit.

“Comprehensive responsibility is a core value of our corporate culture. As a family business, we want to combine economic success with ecological and social progress,” said Matthias Altendorf, CEO, Endress+hauser.